the other day, Jessica (11) was playing in the courtyard of our apartment complex and two hispanic boys (both 12) were asking for her to choose one of them to be girlfriend to. she couldn't decide so she came home to ask me. She talked to me for a bit then I said,"Why don't we think about it tonight and then talk about it tomarrow." she agreed and went to bed.
I ran into my bedroom and dialed that most Yoda of Yodas re: girl dad.
"Dad! Dad! I need help!! Jessica is being asked to be girlfriend to two yahoos living in our complex. What do i do!?"
"Well son, I think the best thing for you is high standards."
"Please explain."
"Well, she needs to find out if those boys are going on missions, if they're going to college, and what they're going to do with the rest of their lives (AKA: How are you going to take care of me and the kids)." He said.
OK. The next day I talked to Jessie about it and after I was sure she understood the concepts, she went to school. Later that day, she came in and related the results of her conversations with those boys.
Jessie: Are either of you going on a mission?
Both together: Huh? What's a mission?
Jessie: Are either of you going to college?
Both together: What's college?
Jessie: What are either of you going to do with the rest of your lives?
Both together: video games?
Jessie: That's it! You (both) are out!
The young men were confused and asked how to meet the standards. Jessie told them that they needed to talk to the other two young men in suits who ride through the complex once in a while.
Then she told me that I needn't worry about those boys as they weren't meeting the minimum standards.
Ahh! Relief at last!