14 May 2011

Garden Tools

here are a few pics of handy tools past & present. this one was made from an 8'' ripsaw blade, a brass latch bolt, a mesquite branch and a braided length of pink mason's twine. I cut the blade into shape and on the largest edge, i just cut off the teeth of the saw and ground a utility edge to it. the latch and the rope keep a bit of tension on the blade to keep it tight. due to its thinness, it was a nice sharp blade that took out weeds nicely. I gave this to Tara when she lived at the Ivyglenn address when she had started her garden.
This next one was my personal favorite because of its thin blade and the curve of the handle. the blade is from an old squarepoint shovel, mesquite handle, and some lag screws I had in the garage. It kept an edge nicely and was great for weeding in hard to reach areas.
This final one was also made from an old squarepoint shovel and
some bolts, and 1/4 '' galvanized steel pipe and a floor flange. this one I made for Jill and she used it on occaison. it was very good for
slicing weeds (or toes ir one was not careful!). I used it on occaison
and we still have sixty toes.

14 February 2011

the Family Dog

Yes...it begins.
we all recall the little girl in her pig-tails dressing the dog in her bonnet and...UNDOE-PANTS!
there must be some truth to the fiction because Nataile yesterday had Max sitting in a corner and was putting a yellow washrag on his head and changing its shape.
"Now you're cornflower"...washrag changes shape, still on dog's head-
"Now you're getting married"...another change-
"Now you're Jewish..."

I'm going to have to watch that show again. Where are the Jews in there? Can I get a Jew verification please? Oh, I can feel the grey hair a-comming. Oye Veh!

26 January 2011


Meet Max, our new AZ Humane Soceity dog. His full name is Maximillian Fatdoggeeus. We'll be going on daily walks to turn him into Maximus Schwartzebeagle.