06 March 2009

Birds, Feathers, and Molting

I've caught the Avian Flu (No, no not the real thing!). I've decided to get some chickens for our home...I'm just nervous about having not just one furry friend, but a whole flock of fickle feathered fiends. all the kids want birds, they just love auntie Tara's. I'll admit I've taken a wait and see approach for a while and I'm impressed with the work Tara's done.

anyway, i went to the feed barn the other day and looked at what I thought were large striped chickens. i was informed that they were turkeys. I was amazed at how much bigger the baby turkeys are that the chickens. i played with them for a little while and watched some of them just fall asleep in mid step and fall on their beaks.

I just couldn't buy any at the time or I think I'd have went home with a few of them. thank goodness i didn't because when i got home, i realized I'm just not ready for any more kids, nor am i ready to add on a room to the house (AKA make a chicken coop).


  1. I'm here to see the chicken'z, turkey!

  2. What is that saying...April showers bring May flowers? In AZ, THAT ENTIRELY DEPENDS!!!
    With the recent rains, my gardend has decided to proliferate. See pictures.

  3. Well, the girls are now 3 days old. I have never seen such prolific poopers in all my life! we have 1 amerucana (maybe), 1 arucana (maybe), 2 barred rocks, and 2 Rhode Island Reds. the 2 amerucana/arucanas are likely mongrels however because true-to-breed amerucanas & arucanas are rare. Most sold as such birds in the US do not meet the full standards of either breed.
    So far, the barred rocks seem to be on the bottom of the pecking order, however all seem to want to sample eachother's pinfeathers to see how good they taste...

  4. You said something about seeing pictures. Where might one find said posted pictures?

  5. Very nice! I'd love to have the fresh eggs, but I'm too busy to take care of chickens. :-)
