19 April 2009


Matt & Jill on the couch. Mom tickles matt on the back. He gets goosbumps & says to mom, "You gave me the poka-dots!"--now when someone is excited we ask if they have the poka-dots.


  1. That's hilarious! You should keep a list of all the funny things your kids say, because they are FUNNY!

  2. Natalie was sitting on a chair that was precariously perched atop year supply buckets and a pile of laundry wearing her new (pink)tiara and (pink) purse.
    She was playing (pink)princess and when the Servant/Guard/Prince Charming/Prisoner(Matthew)told her royal Pinkness he needed help getting out of the dungeon blankets that had fallen onto him. she said,"I'm a (pink)princess, why would I(pink) help you?"

  3. Matt & me @ Walmart. we were leaving and got behind a portly, elderly balding man. he was riding one of those electric store scooters.
    He half turned his head to talk to an elderly lady.
    "Hey Dad," says Matt excitedly,"There's Santa Clause!"
    While I was trying to figure something polite to say (we were rapidly overtaking said Friar Tuck-like individual), Matthew continued his 5-year old expert observations.
    "Dad, He's(Santa) not wearing his regular clothes! Santa must be a snowbird too."
    At this point I was for denying Matt thrice (I know not the child!) or just clamping a hand none-to-gently around his offending parts (his mouth!)and fleeing for the safety of the parking lot.
    So, what did I do?
    I just pulled his arm out of socket as I dragged him and my purchases out the sliding Walmart doors.

    Disclaimer: Dear Santa, I have been a good boy so far this year, so please bring me presents this year...in spite of my (Honest) children...please?

  4. Just finished watching conference. Matt & I were sitting at the desk looking at a photo of Jill & I the Christmas before we got married. I told Matt:
    "That's what I looked like when I was young! Now I'm old!"
    He looked at the picture, "Dad, you look the same." (Blessed child!!)
    we discussed what getting old was. he said getting old involved a lot of wrinkles, and no hair/grey hair. I asked him who he thought was old. He mentioned that Grandpa Dodge was old, but Grandpa Murdock wasn't. I showed him pictures of the prophet and the apostles. He said some were old and some weren't.
